“He said to them, ‘Why are you afraid, you men of little faith?’ Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was [at once] a great and wonderful calm [a perfect peacefulness].” (Matthew 8:26 Amplified Bible)
Fear gripped my heart, stronger than my hands holding the steering controls! “This was supposed to be a fun, thrilling sea-doo ride with my daughter…a birthday wish of an adventurous mom about to turn 34 years old!” What was wrong with me!
Jesus where are you? If only the waves were calmer, or I could be guaranteed to not tip, or my heart wasn’t pounding so loudly in my chest, or my screams could be heard if need be, or if I were a bit younger… and all on a gloriously sunny day with minimal wind. I can’t imagine the terror the disciples experienced that day in the small boat, amidst a ferocious storm with Jesus, Immanuel in their boat, resting even sleeping!
Breather Month is a wonderful practice but it doesn’t mean all storms of life will stop in August. In fact, as we attempt to rest, we might see internal storms we hadn’t really noticed before. For me, I battle the storm of fear/anxiety that often raises its ugly head just when I think I’ve overcome it. A sudden illness, death, unexpected loss, a country in chaos, a church in despair, a world in pandemic, an ocean in motion! What a backdrop for rest, and yet we know Jesus is sovereign above all and able to rebuke and bring about a perfect peacefulness when we call on Him and willingly surrender our fears.
As I gazed over at my daring daughter sailing over waves in sheer delight, not a fearful bone in her body, I marveled at the difference of our experiences on the same sea. It was a glimpse of what freedom from fear can look like, and it beckoned me!
Prayer of Response
“As I look to this month, Jesus help me to rest well, to trust You and recognize Your presence, love and authority over fear. I love that You are always inviting us to a place of resting in You, with You, our Immanuel.”
—Submitted by Terri La Brie
Terri serves as Lifesprings Int’ Director of Prayer and editor of TuesdayTogether. She and her husband live in Southern California and have 4 married children and 12 grandchildren under the age of 8 living in 4 different states, giving them lots of opportunities to choose trusting God over fear!
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