Our mission is to encourage, prepare, and connect women worldwide to impact their communities with God’s Love.
“Your word is a lamp to my feet, And a light to my path.” (Psalm 119:105 NKJV)
“Your word is
a lamp to my feet,
And a light to
my path.”
Psalm 119 is a very very long psalm! 22 sections of 8 verses, linked to the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Much ado about laws, statutes, precepts… in short, to me, this is one very, French, psalm.
I say this tongue in cheek, having worked and lived in France for over 20 years. Still, there were 500 sets of rules and guidelines produced the first 3 months of the pandemic in my work sphere!
Why do we need laws? Why ten commandments (ten!), and so much legal counsel in both Old and New Testaments?
The true essence of any good law, is to bring light, and Life. Verse 105 paints an amazing picture for us.
A lamp to our feet, to guide us one step at a time.
A light to my path, to show me the way.
Needing a lamp to our feet implies great fogginess or darkness, we are unable to see clearly by ourselves, we need light beyond our own capacity, to step carefully, to seek the right path. Many laws imply the need to adapt to different circumstances. Indeed, true wisdom is knowing what to do in each context, age, situation. Hence so many laws.
Perhaps God is actually kind in limiting the psalm to 22 sections! He does not want to overwhelm us.
Instead, He says, lean on me, each step of the way. Ask me, what shall I do, now? What has changed? What is still as important? What is my next step? What sets free, leading to love, joy, peace, hope, life? Truly, when we meet His Word, Jesus, we meet Life, and His life is Light, that overcomes darkness.
Prayer of Response:
“Father, You are light, and life. Help us to hold on to Jesus, Word, Counselor, Friend. Forgive us when we lose sight, and help us step ever onwards, together and one, seeking Light each step of the way. That we may follow the path that overcomes darkness, giving light and life, freely. Amen.”
—Submitted by Kae Ting Trouilloud
Kae lives in Lyon, France, and needs light more than ever, through foggy and strange times, to walk steadily and faithfully on the good path, as a healthcare worker, a wife, a mother to three teens (three!), a friend. She is immensely glad to be walking together with a faithful team and community working towards the bilingual Lifesprings School of Ministry LSM-Formation Zoé starting November 2021.
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