“A voice of one calling in the wilderness: prepare the way for the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God.” Isaiah 40:3)
Today we took the boxes of Christmas ‘stuff’ out of storage! This is fun preparation: As I unpack, memories come, both sad and happy ones, and I look forward to decorating the flat for the enjoyment of those who will visit us.
This year I have had the privilege of preparing Advent Reflections for my church. This involved unpacking the truths of Jesus’ coming. Being reminded of His love for us, that His light shone in dark times, and continues to do so. Writing prayers and reflections to help my readers open their hearts to Him.
Here is one of my reflections, adapted:
He looked up, smiled, with a question in his eyes.
‘It’s happened. I’m pregnant.’ Elizabeth sat down
and burst into tears. Zechariah took her hand and gently
pressed her into a chair, standing with his arms
around her shoulders. Then he knelt beside her.
He laid his head on her lap.
‘Yes,’ Elizabeth sighed happily. ‘Yes.’
Surely Elizabeth and Zechariah remembered Isaiah’s words as they prayed for their unborn son and taught them to John as he was growing up.
Their role was to care for and guide their son. His role was to ‘prepare the way’ for the Messiah.
Prayer of Response:
Lord, as we prepare for Christmas, may we clear more space in our lives for you. Help us to be ready for whatever you have prepared for us. Help us to unpack the good things you have for us. We remember that you bring light, you offer hope and you are with us now, and that you will come again.
Questions to Ponder:
- How might you make some extra space in your diary for Jesus?
- Could you find a way of helping a friend who doesn’t yet know Jesus to be more open to His love
- Perhaps as you write Christmas cards you can see them as preparing the way for Jesus.
—Submitted by Elaine Davis
Who, along with husband Neil, is settling in to a new way of life nearer to children and granddaughters in Leamington Spa, UK. Life is full of surprise challenges, whether it’s writing reflections, helping to deliver Guide dog puppies or fitting my son and his Mexican family (5 in all) into our 2 bedroomed, albeit spacious, apartment for Christmas!
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