This is what the Lord of the heaven armies says: Judge fairly, and show mercy and kindness to one another. (Zechariah 7:9)
The justice of God is very different from the justice of the world. Worldly justice seems to contend that anything bad or good can be done provided it serves one’s ulterior selfish motives and will. Such justice can paralyze the will of an individual to do what is contrary to the nature, will, purposes and heart of God.
The true justice of God requires all people to show compassion, equity, care, love without bias or prejudice to those in need of justice. God’s justice desires all people treat each other as Jesus Christ treated people. God’s justice is demonstrated through the sacrifice of Jesus through a gruesome death on the cross that became a seal for the forgiveness of all sins to those who choose to be available and acknowledge their need for Jesus Christ.
There was a season in my life when I was on anti-depressants for months, it was a time of trial and great tribulation. All around me everyone seemed indifferent to my pain. The justice, mercy and kindness of God is having compassion on those in need, who are suffering. God desires that we learn to show His kindness and judge fairly. Leaving no room for pointing fingers and spreading vicious rumors. He says we are to help those in trouble and love our enemies.
The benefit of executing the justice of God is your salvation will come like the dawn, when you call on the Lord he will quickly reply and the Lord will guide you continually giving you water when you are dry and restore your strength. Executing the justice of God may seem difficult, but with God’s help and discernment, we can trust Him to help us learn. He is patient with us and never in a rush.
Prayer of Response:
Thank you Lord for Your lovingkindness, mercy, and great patience with us as we learn Your ways of justice. Help us to recognize and repent when we fall into temptation of abiding by worldly ways of justice. Amen.
Questions to Ponder:
- To whom in need of justice, might the Lord be prompting you to show compassion, equity, care, love without bias or prejudice?
- Do you find yourself in a dry season of needing more of His living water to restore your strength? Call on Him today.
—Submitted by: Lucy Alupo
Lucy is an alumna of LSM Uganda thanks to her connection with For-Grow ministries who introduced her to Lifesprings. She is an author, counsellor, tax account and audit associate.