“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”. (Hebrews: 4:16)
The word “therefore” signifies a continuation of a conversation, situation or event that happened before. It leads us to think about times when we are in a position needing a pose and reflection of who God is to us. The need for unmerited favor, God’s mercy. The word here portrays a beautiful invitation and expression “the throne of grace”, loving gesture to humans in His very nature cares for us in our weakness and even when we experience hopelessness, unbelief or sin. God’s love for us beckons us to come, approach like in a courtroom situation, His throne, with boldness and there is mercy ready for grabs from our Father. And we come because we know Jesus redeemed us and so we can come!
In addition, God’s grace is available for us freely. The word says in 1 Corinthians 12:9 “Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me”. This is an expression of God’s love for us who believe and that the throne of grace, which is the throne of God is accessible to us. What an invitation from the Father!
We are reminded of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross that allows us to stand before the Father in righteousness that can only be obtained through the son. There is expectation that our God will give us what we need, but there is action on our part, approach the throne to access mercy and find grace whenever we need to.
Wherever we are today in our life journey, remember the throne room is open and we have full access to approach and find rest in Him. He has invited us to his mercy and grace which are freely available for our taking. Take bold steps today, our loving Father is waiting!!!!!!!!!!
Prayer of Response:
Dear heavenly father, would you teach us how to take up your invitation to come boldly to you to obtain mercy and find grace and rest as we wait for you to sort out our issues. Thank you for the gift of your son Jesus Christ who enabled us 2000 years ago to access your throne of grace through his blood. Help us to see the great love you have showered unto us even in our weakest point. Remember us as we walk in confidence and remind us that you take good care of us at all times. In Jesus name. Amen
Questions to Ponder:
- When you think about God’s grace and His mercy and how great He is even when you feel like you are not worthy, do you feel intimidated to approach Him?
- Can you remember an instance in your life when you took a bold step to let God know you are in a fix?
- What would you ask God to enhance in your walk with Him in terms of taking up His invitation to access the throne of grace with boldness and get help?
—Submitted by: Elizabeth Gachuiri
Elizabeth (pictured here with her daughters and granddaughter) lives near Ferney Voltaire and works in Geneva Switzerland. Her family currently lives in different continents, some in Africa and some in France. Her love for Lifesprings started in 2009 when she attended a retreat in Lyon, France, then she attended the Grenoble LSM School, which was the first school in Europe, was part of the Team that organized the LSM Geneva School and now planning for a Nairobi School in 2026. Elizabeth is a people person always grateful to meet, mentor, encourage women to realize their space in God’s kingdom assignments, selfless and happy to serve always.
Feature photo taken by Elizabeth Gachuiri.