Here is an important “Rule” or rhythm of prayer that Lifesprings practices before all of our meetings, and gatherings. These 6 prayers include: humility, wisdom, indifference to all but God’s will, trustworthy/faithful stewardship, peace bringing, and quiet trust. Our writers will focus on one prayer per week and will share how each one has influenced their prayer life and/or the life of teams they have served with over the years.
“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” (Colossians 3:12)
“I know how to do it. I don’t need help. I already know everysing.”
“Well clearly you don’t, because it is pronounced everyTHING.”
A prideful declaration, through tears, from my 4-year-old, followed by my own prideful correction, followed by an apology for my lack of patience and humility in the way I responded. Help me, Lord.
Humility is a leading character trait of someone I want to follow, spend time with, be like and lead with. It is also a virtue that so many people resist because of how unnatural and vulnerable it feels. Much more natural to every human is pride. Pride disillusions us to believe that getting the final say, winning by our own achievements, being perceived as the best, smartest, or strongest in a group is the source of our value- and oh! how we love to be valued and celebrated.
When Colossians tells us to clothe ourselves with humility, there is first an undressing of pride that is necessary. I am consistently blown away by the humble hearts of women I encounter in Lifesprings. Women who have been serving the Lord for so many years beyond me—in different cultures and with different life experiences—so quick to listen, validate the ideas of others, receive suggestions with gratitude, and celebrate the contributions of others. It is not by coincidence that every Lifesprings team meeting begins with a prayer of humility. The very act of praying sheds off the prideful notion that we can be humble on our own. There is beauty in the admittance that Jesus through the help of his Holy Spirit, is the source of humility when we choose to wear it.
Prayer of Response:
Jesus, thank you for modeling humility, kindness and compassion. Thank you also for the example you have given me in Lifesprings sisters around the world who model humility as they pursue you as their source. Amen.
Questions to ponder:
- What triggers your pride?
- How can you more intentionally and continually clothe yourself in humility?
Breath prayers:
As a new weekly rhythm, join us in praying breath prayers each day. We invite you to write your own as well.
Inhale (Breathe in): I cast off pride.
Exhale (Breathe out): I put on humility.
Inhale: The Lord is my help.
Exhale: I am dearly loved.
*For those of you interested, here is the Rule of Life document to lead you in the practice of forming a Rule of Life which may be shared with fellowship groups: Rule of Life Document
—Submitted by: Erinne Baker
Erinne and her husband Travis live in Klamath Falls, Oregon where they are raising their four kids: Charlotte(12), Benjamin(9), William(8) and Wyatt (4). She is a pursuer of truth and learner of what it means to trust God and live a life fueled by love and grace.
Lifesprings International PODCAST LAUNCH:
One new rhythm and ministry we have been praying for and now launching is a Lifesprings International Podcast. We are very excited to be introducing the people and stories of Lifesprings and you can find us here: or here:
or you can simply search for the Lifesprings Podcast on the Podcast App on your phone. You can listen to us, share the stories and subscribe, so you don’t miss the new ones coming up.
We would love it if you joined our rhythms or if you shared them with a woman in your life who would benefit from them, as we believe that they are so lifegiving and they help us to be with Jesus, become like Jesus and do what he did (1 John 2:6).