We want to share with you an important “Rule” or rhythm of prayer we practice at Lifesprings before all of our meetings, and gatherings. These 6 prayers include: humility, wisdom, indifference to all but God’s will, trustworthy/faithful stewardship, peace bringing, and quiet trust. Our writers will focus on one prayer per week and will share how each one has influenced their prayer life and/or the life of teams they have served with over the years.
This, then, is how you should pray: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:9-10 NIV)
As we look at how and what we should pray for, we’ve touched on wisdom and humility. A third essential to pray for is….wait for it ….. indifference.
I first came across this idea of a “prayer for indifference” when the Lifesprings Leadership Team read the book Pursuing God’s Will Together by Ruth Haley-Barton. It caught me by surprise, because I am not — and should not be — indifferent to the things I’m passionate about, right?
We think of indifference as an attitude of apathy or not caring. In a spiritual context of prayer, however, “indifference” takes on a whole new significance. It does not mean that I’m indifferent or uncaring about what is going on, but rather its saying, Lord make me indifferent to what I think should be done in this conflict or difference of opinions and look only to You and what You want done.
Our Lifesprings Mongolia sisters translated it as “the prayer of letting go”. That says it all. A prayer of letting go releases me from being hurt, offended or defensive as it gives the Holy Spirit freedom to show me if I’m simply being opinionated, and to gently shift my agenda into line with God’s plan.
Here is the prayer of letting go by a man late one night in a quiet garden: “Father, if You are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but Yours be done” (Matt. 26:39).
In his own personal prayer of letting go, Jesus voiced his own opinion of what he’d like to see happen. Then he made himself “indifferent” to his own will, let go of his own wants regarding the horrific ordeal ahead of him, in order to participate in the will of his Father. He asked only for his Father’s will to be done — nothing more and nothing else.
Prayer of Response:
Father, as I follow Jesus’ example and pray for your will only, please make me indifferent to my own agenda, my own opinion, and fill my heart with a true desire for YOUR will to be done on earth — in my life — as it is in heaven.
Questions to Ponder:
- How do I feel about praying for indifference to my opinions and agenda regarding ______________? (fill in your own scenario)
- Do I really want God’s will on earth (i.e. my life) as it is in heaven — unquestioned and always carried out?
Breath Prayers:
As a new weekly rhythm, join us in praying breath prayers each day. We invite you to write your own as well.
Inhale: Make me indifferent to all
Exhale: but YOUR will alone
—Submitted by: Audrey Jose
Audrey has been involved with Lifesprings since 2007 and currently leads the Peace Amidst Conflict Training team. She and her husband divide their time between Canada where they are part of a recent church plant in their town, and Albania where they mentor Albanian church planters serving in Kosovo, Macedonia, Albania and Bosnia.
Feature photo is of the Garden of Gethsemane, courtesy of Audrey Jose.
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Lifesprings International PODCAST LAUNCH
One new rhythm and ministry we have been praying for and now launching is a Lifesprings International Podcast. We are very excited to be introducing the people and stories of Lifesprings and you can find us here:
or you can simply search for the Lifesprings Podcast on the Podcast App on your phone. You can listen to us, share the stories and subscribe, so you don’t miss the new ones coming up.