“And these things we write to you that your joy may be full.” (1 John 1:4)
My Dad had expressed a desire to return for “one more visit” to his birthplace, the beautiful state of Montana, for his 90th birthday. He had a list of things he wanted to do and see “one more time” there, one of which was to swim in Blue Bay, a spot right near his family’s old homestead. So off we went on this sentimental journey!
It was a beautiful warm day when we arrived for the Blue Bay swim. However the lake is extremely cold and NO ONE was swimming in Blue Bay that day! Freezing cold water aside, my Dad was determined so in we plunged!
I can’t recall seeing my Dad quite so joyful as in that moment. The joy, not the cold water, took my breath away! The joy kept us warm as we paddled around and splashed together, and it quickly spread to the little crowd of spectators on the shore cheering us on.
JOY is something you can feel. JOY is something you can see. Joy is something that spreads out, touches and warms others. “A fruit of the Spirit”, JOY is the dazzling result of God’s presence among us.
And these things we write to you that your joy may be full. (1 John 1:4)
These simple words hit me freshly, like that cold Blue Bay water, this week.
It would be brilliantly refreshing if we began to write, speak and listen to words motivated by the heartfelt desire to help others experience full joy. What a way to love one another! Shall we try?
Response of Prayer:
Lord God, give us wisdom and teach usto bring joy into the cold situations of our lives,to share in the joy of your presence wherever we are,to offer the joyful healing waters of your love in all our relationships. Amen
—Submitted by Janice Gutierrez
(Janice lives in the San Francisco Bay Area when she is not traveling around the world with Lifesprings International. She always packs her swimsuit because you never know when you might want to take a plunge!)
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