“Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles.” (Isaiah 40:30-31)
We huffed and puffed up the last of three inclines that make up our regular workout and just as we crested the hill my husband pointed to something that called us to attention. There above us was an eagle soaring effortlessly, catching thermals and being lifted up higher and higher until we could barely make out its form in the sky. God seemed to be speaking to us through this majestic creature, encouraging us to hope beyond gravity and the things that tether our faith to the ground.
A thermal is a column of rising air created when the sun warms the earth and forms an atmospheric updraft. Don’t we all need a little updraft to help us soar above our lives and catch a broader view? There is something about flying that speaks of freedom, of rising above the constraints of our circumstances – and our tired and weary places. Without hope we are earthbound and cut off from sweet dreams and bright tomorrows. “BUT,” as Isaiah declares, “those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength; they will soar on wings like eagles!” And, there it is! Our thermal!
God is the eternal, immortal, invisible – atmospheric updraft of the soul!
His love warms our hearts and lifts up hope within us.
Prayer of response:
“Father, I thank you that you are a steady and faithful place of hope. Warm my heart with your love and lift up hope within me. Amen.”
What about you? Are you tired and weary? Do you need encouragement to hope beyond gravity? Enter HIS presence. He waits for you.
—Submitted by Judy Villanueva
(Judy Villanueva lives with her husband in Colorado, near the kids and grands. She did her undergraduate work at Stanford University and completed her masters at Fuller Theological Seminary. She is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Spiritual Director, and writer. Her blog can be found at
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