“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” (2 Corinthians 9:8 NIV)
I am writing today’s reflection early, trusting He who speaks to us knows what is to come in ten days’ time.
As you listen to these verses above, what do you hear? For me, two phrases stand out.
God is able. Able. Do I really believe this?
Having all that you need. All. Do I really have all that I need?
These are difficult and very real questions. But God is very practical actually, and often asks and tells us very real and difficult things. The chapter before this eventually leads back to Exodus 16, where God provided manna and quail to the Israelites. We need to spend time with that story, and ponder these questions. Do I know my God? His ability, His abundance, His goodness, His blessings? Has He guided me in the past, provided, blessed, forgiven, taught, led, comforted me? And today, do I have all that I need?
And the answer may not be yes. Especially this year, for many of us. God sees us as we are, and we may be struggling, missing, something, or someone. Health, family, work, opportunity, security, even, hope.
And yet. In all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. Perhaps especially today, God is saying to some of us, ask Me, I am able, able, to bless you, abundantly. Ask me, my beloved. And maybe God is saying to some of us, My child, what you have is actually enough, is what you need, now, to be able to abound in every good work.
So, let us listen to His gentle voice today. Hear His abundant blessing. Receive willingly and humbly. Then, with Him who is really all that we need, let us move onwards, that good works may overflow, and His kingdom come, on earth as in heaven.
Prayer of response:
“Father, You are good, and able. You desire to bless, and you bless in abundance. Help us approach You in boldness, and ask, that we may receive all we need, to abound in good works. May goodness overflow our lives, through your grace and mercy, Amen.”
Submitted by Kae Ting Trouilloud
Kae lives in Lyon, France, and is often amazed at God’s abundant blessings especially amidst these strange times. She is dean of the bilingual Lifesprings School of Ministry LSM-Formation Zoé, starting by faith on November 14, 2020 in Lyon. She is working to gather women seeking God for their needs, so that we can be equipped and encouraged together, and abound in every good work in our communities, through the love of God.”
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