“At the same time, pray for us as well that God will open to us a door for the word that we may declare the mystery of Christ for which I am in prison.” (Colossians 4:3)
“I am in prison!” This is how I’ve felt at times this pandemic year. Sometimes I feel like I am under “house arrest” and can’t escape. One can’t clean and rearrange closets and drawers every day. I feel numb some days and hopeful others. Recently I have prayed for a door of opportunity to declare the word and mystery of God. I was surprised that God actually opened the door to my heart and declared his love, his rejoicing in how he made me and delights in me! The Spirit worked in me, affirmed my desire to grow in him and please him in this unordinary time. I am being renewed in the mystery of Christ – not knowing all but being fully known. His kingdom starts with Christ in me, it starts with Christ in you, and together-oh together, beloved community we call Lifesprings, we will see His Kingdom advanced in our communities and around the world.
Prayer of Reflection
“Lord, like Paul in prison, this quarantine gives us time to ponder how we can declare the mystery of Christ. Start with us and then show us individually and as a Lifesprings community how we can advance your Kingdom. O Lord, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen”
—Submitted by Caron Hofer
Caron lives with her husband in California, seeking to honor God in ordinary things like cooking a meal, writing an email, sewing, loving her family and community.
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