Because GOD repeated this command, we decided to follow His lead to encourage us again!
“Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the Lord your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6 NASB)
Amid the raging global crisis of health concerns and economic uncertainties, it is so easy for us to succumb to self-doubt, fear, and despair.
Our confidence has taken a hard knock. We are unsure of the way to go. The paths ahead of us appear foggy.
Self-doubt questions our God-given ability to step out in faith to do new things inspired by the Holy Spirit. Fear holds us back in its tight grips. Self-doubt and fear are destructive. They paralyze us and keep us from pursuing everything God has for us. Self-doubting makes us doubt the One who has equipped us with the abilities to accomplish the tasks He assigned to us.
Like Moses, we raise objections to God-inspired instructions to take the steps required to move forward.
“Who am I that I should…?”
“What if they do not believe or listen to me?” “What if” becomes the refrain playing on our minds.
God’s response to our self-doubt and fear is “Be strong and courageous” (Joshua 1:9, Deuteronomy 31:6). Do not be terrified or discouraged. “Certainly, I will be with you” (Exodus 3:12).
I am learning each day to refuse to listen to the crippling whispers of self-doubt and resist fear’s attempts to paralyze me. I choose to hold fast to God’s assurance of His abiding Presence. This is the choice we must make so we can move forward and walk in the path God has orchestrated for us. Be strong and courageous. Step out in faith and move forward to pursue your God-inspired dreams. The Lord, your God, will be with you wherever He leads you.
Prayer of Response:
“Lord, deep within me, I know You want me to step out in faith and walk along the path you have set for me. But self-doubt and fear have kept me going around the same mountain. Infuse me with strength from Your limitless stores so I can break off the chains of self-doubt and fear of the unknown. Pour Your grace afresh on me that I may live each day in the consciousness of Your abiding presence and unfailing love. In Jesus Name. Amen.”
—Submitted by Irene Olumese
Irene is a lung transplant survivor and a bilateral amputee. She speaks and writes to inspire hope. As a Faith-Informed Transformational Trauma Coach, Irene helps those going through adversities to go beyond their traumatic experiences and find purpose through it. Irene is the Founder of the Feet of Grace Foundation, which provides prosthetic limbs to indigene amputees. She lives in Geneva, Switzerland, with her husband, Peter, and their two adult sons.
Photo by Sylvain Mauroux on Unsplash
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