During the month of August, Lifesprings International observes a month of sabbath we call “Breather Month”; refraining from regular scheduled meetings in order to use the time for intentional spiritual practices, rest, and reflection. We invite our community to join us in setting aside times of sabbath rest each week.
Psalm 131:2: “But I have calmed and quieted myself, I am like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child I am content.”
“My heart is not proud, Lord, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me.”
This drove me up the wall: is this verse judging me? Have I been concerning myself with things too great too wonderful?
Then I realise, the psalmist is speaking in humility, lest we take the place of God. God is concerned with all matters, including all too great too wonderful for me. God is also concerned with me, you, we.
A crying fussing infant needs constant reassurance, in a mother-infant dyad. A weaned child, 18 months to 5 years old, has learned to stand and walk, with a growing faith in the parent. When food or help does not come pronto, a weaned child waits, and hopes.
Here God is described like a mother, a wise parent, waiting too, to help us grow.
My first breather month drove me up the wall (you should see my wall). The second filled me with rest and awe. I now look forward to unburden from worries, of war, climate change, oppression of women, poverty, and a global pandemic under control yet still simmering. I need this invitation to let go, rest, reconnect. There will always be call to action, yet I cannot act alone. I need to refill, from God my Breath.
With a deep breath in and out, hear in your heart Psalm 131 verse 3: “Wait, Israel, for God. Wait with hope. Hope now; hope always.” (The Living Translation)
Prayer of Response:
Dear Father, Mother, Breath of Life, help us calm and quieten ourselves. To let go, remember, listen, grow. Draw us near, to renew our trust in you. Amen.
Questions to Ponder:
What are your current worries too great, causing restlessness and frustration? Write or draw them on a piece a paper, as you mumble (I would grumble), to God. Fold it up and place it under a rock big enough to cover it. Ask God to take over, and quieten your heart. Then, write or draw your hopes on another piece of paper. Keep it in your bible. What do you need from God? A weaned child begins its journey towards the other, towards community. Ask God for a loving supporting community, to grow together in grace.
—Submitted by Kae Ting Trouilloud
Kae lives in Lyon, France. She has weaned three children, yet still needs reminding to wean herself and stop driving up walls! She is thankful for God’s parenting, and the Lifesprings community. She looks forward to Breather month, yay! Deeply grateful for the first year of the bilingual Lifesprings School of Ministry LSM-Formation Zoé in Lyon, please pray for our wonderful community working together as we prepare the second year. May you be encouraged and find rest this season, trusting God and waiting in hope always.
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