“Then Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him, ‘If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.'” (John 8:31-32)
Jesus was dealing with questions arising in the community he was in at that time. The question of dispute arose over whose children Jesus’ opponents were because they couldn’t understand his interpretation of the scriptures. They were terrified by the statement, “the truth will set you free.” The belief that as children of Abraham, they could not be slaves was their defense. But Jesus was talking about slavery to sin. Today we need to ask ourselves, whether we are truly following Jesus’ word, his teachings, and principles. When we don’t, we are bound to be slaves to sin even as he has redeemed us. The good news is that Jesus died for us to cleanse us from our sins, and he declares, “It is finished!”
The word says that Jesus grants freedom from sin by bestowing on those who believe in him — and remain in that belief (John 8:31). This means we must remain in him, otherwise we can fall back to the position of slavery to sin. But we also know that even as we came to Jesus through repentance, when we fall, we can wake up through confession of our deeds and failures. We have an open invitation to go back to freedom since we have been granted the right to be sons/daughters of God and that does not change because it is for eternity. The status remains. Remember the story of the prodigal son, his position of sonship didn’t change because he errored. When he came back, he was received with open arms by his father.
Finally, for anyone feeling discouraged with all things around and struggling with issues, talk to Jesus and confess what you are feeling and why. If you have done wrong, you know it is simple, repent so that you can return to your privileged position of a son/daughter of God, and he will give you rest. Spend time in the word. All answers are therein.
Prayer of Response:
Dear heavenly Father, we are grateful today for you chose us for yourself. We confess that sometimes we fail to remain in you, and we error. We repent and ask for forgiveness in areas we have failed to acknowledge who we are and how much you love and care for us. You delivered us from the bondage of sin, and we desire to stay at your feet always. Amen.
Things to Ponder for Action:
- Search your heart for areas that we feel bound and take them to the cross
- Ask God to forgive you and get up on your feet again, his arms are open for you
- Draw closer to God for his desire for you, is to set you free.
—Submitted by Elizabeth Gachuiri
Elizabeth lives in Ferney Voltaire, France, and works in Geneva in an International Organization dealing with Trade and Development. She is deeply in awe of God’s love and goodness in her life. She believes in the work of Lifesprings and is excited about Lifesprings School of Ministry, LSM-Formation Zoé of Uganda. She looks forward to seeing what God has in store for this great ministry that she is a product of.
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